For Aidan O'Kelly -I just got back from that thing and I couldn't wait to go
through this email slowly. I think the main points of this email should be
posted on the getting started sites of  App Engine and GWT - its brilliant,
I mean I can't explain to you how perfect this is for me, you have surely
saved me time. Thanks - I am serious,

" Now, they DO make a good match, as they are both very
good at what they do (GWT on client-side, App-Engine on server-side)
but they are very different beasts, so you can't really 'apply
app-engine tutorials to GWT'.
 What you can do is, use them on App Engine, and then use the result
to power your GWT app. You might want to read up on the HTTP protocol,
Web Services / REST architecture, if you haven't already, as these are
the core protocols used to make your GWT app talk to your App Engine

I needed that, I can't wait to get into it, it makes perfect sense too, my
client-side code is done and what I want to do is use the app engine
server-side. Now stop me if I am wrong, lets say I want to use only google
technology, cause it rocks and its free, and I want to create a rich
client-side UI that communicates with "the cloud" - and I mean "google's
cloud" - then I want to use the GWT and the App Engine together like
described above? If this is the case, then i feel there ought to be more on
the joining of the two in the Tutorials - like a Advanced Tutorial. However,
I rather like the idea of figuring it out on my own as you also described in
your email, I am sure to learn more and for me that is what it is all about,
but you definitely set me in the right direction. Peace.

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Aidan O'Kelly <> wrote:

> Well, if you've reached a point where you want to do stuff, that thereIf
> are no step-by-step tutorials for, you need to stop looking for
> tutorials, and starting looking at reference material, ie, API
> documentation, or documents/tutorials/papers on a specific technology.
> You've touched upon it in your post, but GWT and App Engine are very
> separate, and very different things. That the App Engine has a Java
> runtime for you to run server-side code in, and that GWT compiles Java
> to client-side code, is convenient, in that you stay in one language,
> but that's all. Now, they DO make a good match, as they are both very
> good at what they do (GWT on client-side, App-Engine on server-side)
> but they are very different beasts, so you can't really 'apply
> app-engine tutorials to GWT'.
>  What you can do is, use them on App Engine, and then use the result
> to power your GWT app. You might want to read up on the HTTP protocol,
> Web Services / REST architecture, if you haven't already, as these are
> the core protocols used to make your GWT app talk to your App Engine
> back-end.
> I'm pretty sure you understand that, but its important to have a clear
> idea of your 'software stack'. What each component is, what it can &
> can't do, what its responsible for. Perhaps make some toy projects
> that only use App Engine(serving up static HTML), or only use GWT, to
> get a better idea of where the separation is. (This works for any
> other components/libraries you add later, it can be good to test them
> in isolation before using them in tandem with other pieces of
> software)
> Just a quick note on OpenID.. I dont know it that well, I looked at
> the specs a few years ago, and will be again soon, but unless you
> really really need it, its probably best to stick with the Google
> Authentication API at first, as its stable and a LOT less complicated
> to get right.
> Hope this helps, my main point is, API References/User Guides/Protocol
> Specs  are your friends, when no-one has made a tutorial for a
> specific case.
> Good luck,
> Aidan
> On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 2:44 PM, Matthew Cote <>
> wrote:
> > I am sure there are numerous reasons why you would use the GWT without
> > the app engine, but I am primarily interested in writing app engine
> > apps with the GWT - there is a annoying division of tutorials and
> > documentation regarding GWT and the Google App Engine. In the Google
> > App Engine site there are tutorials for OpenID, OAuth, and the like, I
> > cannot find a decent step by step tutorial for using OpenID with GWT.
> >
> > I would really like to see more tutorials for the GWT - especially on
> > OpenID, but also - how to play audio, how to use the data store with
> > GWT, Single Sign-On, etc I guess what it comes down to is - How can I
> > apply the tutorials in App Engine Documentation to the GWT? Can the
> > GWT or App Engine doc site include an explanation of how the two work
> > together or how they relate - I want to use the GWT because it makes
> > writing client-side code very easy for me, I want to use the App
> > Engine because it makes deployment very easy for me. I want to use the
> > two together.
> --
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