On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And BTW, MVP is a design pattern, and there's no one single way of
> implementing it (the MVP articles in the GWT doc makes it kind of clear).
> And the fact that Activities and Places (which people sometimes erroneously
> call "MVP framework") are quite new makes it clear that it's not "the" way
> to build GWT apps: there must have been ways to do it before they're
> introduced!

Point taken, the docs do make it very clear its a pattern and one way
of implementing it, and that its best suited for large scale projects
and why. Though reading through the User Guide, you could be forgiven
for thinking 'This is the way I should go with my app!', especially if
you decide to use UiBinder, as the Activity/Places MVP article uses it
and is almost like a tutorial on building an app.

I guess its just because the other tutorial in the User Guide, the
Stock Watcher, doesn't use UiBinder, which is a very attractive
feature to anyone new to GWT. Would be nice to have a chapter/tutorial
on building a small/medium sized UiBinder based app that doesn't use

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