hi thomas,

thanks for link to infoq article about dart - so... it seems my guess
is possibly right :) - but it's long long way ahead.

as to mentioned issue with hashmap - i find it feature rather than
problem. and that case is even not java-javascript but ie specific
implementation issue.
and as to gwt - since this is gwt group - i liked very much the idea
of cross-compilation and possibility of maintaining big client side
application in java. although it was gwt where i came across it the
first time. but than i was not sure about it should try to mimic
common java libraries. maybe sticking only to java "raw" language but
with browser specific libriries would be a better solution? libraries
that vastly utilize something like "JavaScriptObject class" in current
implementation? maybe the wrong business policy was to target with gwt
at existing java developers rather than motivate existing javascript
developers to learn java :)?
but no tool is perfect - especially from its begining - and
imporovements are natural (notice java collections).
gwt is still young, and java at its age was imho less convincing
technology. if it is not due any legal/licensing strategy than i would
stick to java in gwt... "if i were gooogle" ;).

as to mysql - nice to see it on app engine - but this fact does not
undermine the possibility of willingness to became independent from
oracle owned technology.
since mysql community server is open source and GPL licensed, google
is no way dependent on oracle in that case. situation with java is
quite different, and as i remember some time ago microsoft tried to
make its own java, what has been effectively stopped by sun's sue and
trial, utlimately resulting in birth of c# :).

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