On 11/12/2011 10:17 AM, David Vree wrote:
> @Samyem -- Good point about the async RPC...we also had that issue
> when debugging and/or integration testing Flex/Actionscript.
> @Jeff -- Your metaphore is correct...to continue it, I'd say I trust
> my Java/C++/C# compilers a lot.  My concern is exactly whether or not
> the GWT compiler has issues.  Do you disable optimizations during
> development or is that for production code too?

I want as little code sent to the client on startup as possible, so I
only disable when there's a problem. Actually, I do not disable
optimization, I recompile with the -STYLE DETAILED argument. This
provides enough detail to work through the behavior with FireBug or
whatever IE provides.

My experience is that I inevitably get bit when I don't test on at least
three different browsers. I usually use the set (Safari, IE, FF). Also,
I don't support IE 6, which decision might not be an option for you.

This technique is separate from the -OPTIMZE, -EA, and -DRAFTCOMPILE
arguments. I haven't seen any issues with optimization.

> @Thomas - Sourcemap  is incredible if it works as advertised....is
> that how Eclipse keeps the Java debugger "in sync" with the browser
> Javascript execution?
> Thanks everyone for your answers.

Thanks for continuing the conversation,

> Dave
> On Nov 12, 4:52 am, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Most of the time, you'll be debugging in DevMode, against your Java code,
>> within your Java IDE, using any Java debugger.
>> GWT 2.5 will generate SourceMaps so you can see your Java code in your
>> browser's dev tools, set breakpoints in the Java code to pause the JS
>> engine, etc.
>> Seehttps://plus.google.com/110412141990454266397/posts/iqXo5AyHkydandhttp://www.2ality.com/2011/07/firefox-sourcemap.html
>> In the mean time, or in browsers where SourceMaps aren't supported, GWT
>> generates symbolMaps that allow you to find where an obfuscated function
>> name comes from in your Java code. It can also be used to automatically
>> deobfuscate stack traces (so you can, for instance, send a client-side
>> exception to the server for logging –using java.util.logging and the
>> SimpleRemoteLogHandler or RequestFactoryLogHandler–, and have the
>> stacktrace automatically deobfuscated in your logs). You can also use the
>> StackTraceDeobfuscator "manually" on the server-side; or look-up in the
>> symbolMaps by yourself (I regularly do it when I can't reproduce a bug in
>> DevMode).
>> It's important to note that symbolMaps only map methods, whereas SourceMaps
>> map down to the expression level.
>> So no, it's not a problem.
>> Also, if your application is "big enough", even if you use "plain
>> JavaScript" instead of GWT, you'll want to use a "JS compiler" (such as the
>> Closure Compiler) or "JS minifier"; so you'll have the same "issues". The
>> Closure Compiler generates SourceMaps, but I don't think any compiler but
>> GWT produces the equivalent of the symbolMaps and have the equivalent of
>> the StackTraceDeobfuscator.

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