> *) Is it possible to use both GWT-UI Binder and normal HTML files. For Ex:
> [So far we have been using GWT UI-Binder. Since we are facing some
> difficulties. We have   planned to use normal HTML files only for our
> fore-coming features.].

The advantage of GWT-ui files are that they become a gwt-widget available
in java code saving many boiler code related with html, layouts, events etc.

If you dont want those widgets, and you just need html fragments to put in
your ui, you can use ajax to get that fragments or include those in compile
time (See

Once you have those html fragments you can insert them in your ui using
HTML widget and DOM.
I think a good option is gwtquery so as you can use it to download html
fragments (see GQuery.ajax), put them in your ui
(even modifying widget contents) , and enhance them adding events etc.

> *) Is it possible to Bundle Normal HTML files with the GWT UI-Binder class
> files ?.

afaik no

> *) Dynamic Pages can be accessed, in case if we use normal HTML files
> instead GWT UI-Binder?.

Using ajax: yes, otherwise changing between pages need that you insert your
gwt script in each one.
Think that GWT is a typical case of SPI (Single page interface)

- Manolo

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