On Sunday, February 17, 2013 6:37:38 PM UTC+1, Rich wrote:
> Thomas,
> Thanks very much for the response.
> First, is there any way you can share a POM from one of your projects -- 
> or ideally point me at an entire open source project that uses it?

Hmm, there's 
this is work in progress, and unnecessary complicated in some places. This 
is ongoing work to moving GWT itself to use Maven as the build system.

> Many things aren't clear (to me) from the docs. Examples: 
> 1). You say add a <resource> tag.
> The problem is if I add a single <resource> tag then the default 
> src/main/resources seems to be overridden, so my guess is you mean 
> something like the following added to the <build> tag:
>     <resources>
>       <resource>
>         <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
>       </resource>
>       <resource>
>         <directory>src/main/super</directory>
>         <targetPath>com/foo/super</targetPath>
>       </resource>
>     </resources>

Yes, that's how Maven works. src/main/resources is only the default if 
nothing's specified.

> And, in com.foo.Foo.gwt.xml contains
>   <super-source path="super"/>


Again, it's a guess since I still don't have hello-supsersource working.
> 2). The comments regarding goals are conflicting. E.g., for tests to run 
> it's suggested to add:
>           <execution>
>             <goals>
>               <goal>test</goal>
>             </goals>
>           </execution>
> But to get source-jar to run as part of install you need something like:
>           <execution>
>             <phase>install</phase>
>             <goals>
>               <goal>source-jar</goal>
>             </goals>
>           </execution>

If src/main/java and src/main/super are declared as resources, then the 
sources will be added to the JAR, and you don't need a source-jar.

> 3). Giving up on source-jar for the moment (i.e., just having the top 
> config), when I run tests, they just hang and timeout. In fact, if I just 
> create a blank project from the archetype, that's what happens:
> [INFO] Running junit.framework.TestSuite@29edc073
> Process 1361122241179 is killed.
> [WARNING] Forked JVM has been killed on time-out after 60 seconds

Is this from surefire:test, failsafe:integration-test or gwt:test?

4). Frequently, if I don't run clean first, the tests fails with 
> exceptions: e.g., 
> [INFO] Running com.foo.FooTest
> [INFO] [ERROR] Failure in unit cache map load.
> [INFO] java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: 
> java.lang.StackOverflowError

Hmm, this is a "pure GWT" error, unrelated to Maven (until proven 
otherwise); have you searched the GWT issue tracker? Errors in Unit cache 
loading are "expected" when upgrading GWT or changing JVM (GWT classes 
don't have a serialization ID), but obviously not in other situations.


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