On Thursday, October 16, 2014 3:22:47 PM UTC+2, Ümit Seren wrote:
> I have been using RequestFactory extensively for a project and I must say 
> that although it is pretty well engineered, the learning curve is quite 
> high. 


> If you have a CRUD heacy application where you send and receive lots of 
> data, it might be a good solution (because it only sends deltas). 

Well, RF is good at RPC too (using ValueProxy).
I think Google is using it mostly that way, with the JSON-RPC dialect (I 
don't think they use the "native" dialect, that allows batching, etc.).

However there are also some pain points: For example on the server side it 
> uses Reflection to initialize the server instances which is slower than if 
> the code would be generated. 

I was thinking about generating code for the server (or JVM clients), but 
the current use of ServiceLayers is likely to greatly limit the gains in 
Still, walking the object hierarchies might benefit from such codegen.

> Also currently there is no real further development ongoing (apart from 
> some bugfixes). 

…but I never found the time and energy to actually work on the codegen.

> Another downside is that there is really strong coupling between backend 
> and frontend with RF. 

Though less strong that with GWT-RPC, because the client and server have to 
use "compatible" versions of the proxies (compatible in a way similar to 
how ProtoBufs are compatible with one another), not necessarily the exact 
same class as in GWT-RPC (well, there are solutions I believe for GWT-RPC, 
by having several serialization policies at once on the server).

> In many cases you might need a public API to access the data from non GWT 
> clients, so you might end up implementing two endpoints (RF and REST).

Well, RF has a well-defined (though not well-documented) protocol, and it's 
capable of using JSON-RPC (though only on client-side), so you *could* use 
a single endpoint.
But I otherwise agree with your point.

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