The use of Slack at Mozilla has bothered me for a while. So far I managed
to pretty much ignore Slack. I feel left out sometimes but it hasn't been a
big deal, as far as I can tell. (Of course, since I don't have an account,
I don't know how much exactly I've been missing.)

Now this issue came up again in when a user asked
a question about a UX design that I implemented. These kind of discussions
in closed bugs usually don't go anywhere, so I asked the user to take it to
a mailing list or IRC. The user posted to #ux and never got a response.
This can happen in channels with low usage, but Timvde let me know that
this IRC channel has effectively been dead since the team has moved to

I'm using the above merely as an example. I don't want this e-mail to be
about the UX team. Instead I'd like to revisit why we allow if not
encourage people to use Slack rather than IRC in the first place.

AFAIK Slack is only available to Mozilla staff and volunteers who've signed
our NDA. It's my understanding that communication at Mozilla should be open
by default, and the rest is sufficiently covered by e-mail, private
meetings and restricted bugs. Why are we on Slack?

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