Am Di., 26. Nov. 2019 um 10:25 Uhr schrieb Andreas Tolfsen <>:

> Having someone think careful thoughts about how we integrate Node.js
> in central seems like a really good idea.


> I also know nalexander and a few others have done similar things
> in the past.

nalexander's original work very heavily informed our choices when we
landed basic NodeJS support for the build system in 2018, and chunks
of his code were part of that landing too.  He's also been super
helpful in reviewing decisions, policies, and other documentation
along the way (Thanks, Nick!).

> In my current project we already vendor a third-party Node.js library
> in central without its dependencies (node_modules).  I may have
> some useful input to give on some of the considerations we made at
> the time.

FWIW, the word "vendoring" is being used to mean actually checking in
node_modules itself as well as package-lock.json.

Thanks so much for offering your input!  I'm very interested in taking
you up on that, and will reach out to you on #nodejs in Slack...

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