#358: NAACCR ETL: update all sites to include summary of treatment etc.
 Reporter:  dconnolly    |       Owner:  dconnolly
     Type:  task         |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  major        |   Milestone:  cohort-char-bc-db
Component:  data-        |  Resolution:
  sharing                |  Blocked By:  49, 150, 246, 258, 331, 332, 333,
 Keywords:               |  355, 471, 529
 Blocking:  297          |
Changes (by dconnolly):

 * cc: gpc-dev@… (added)
 * owner:  lv => dconnolly
 * status:  accepted => assigned


 Are sites deploying site-specific factors stuff from march (comment:22)
 while they're at it?

 Now that babel has current KUMC terms, you can see it there:

                 <key>\\KUMC_naaccr\i2b2\naaccr\csterms\Breast\CS Site-
 Specific Factor 1\010\</key>
                 <name>010: Positive/elevated [5,226 facts; ...
                 <tooltip>Cancer Cases \ Cancer Staging: Site-Specific
 Factors \ Breast \ 01: Estrogen Receptor (ER) Assay</tooltip>

 But the babel terms from UTSW, MU, and CMH lack it, based on:

 with all_terms as (
 select 'utsw_terms', c_hlevel, c_name, c_fullname, c_basecode from
 i2b2metadata.utsw_terms s
 select *
 from all_terms
 where c_fullname like '%\naaccr\csterms\Breast\CS Site-Specific Factor
 and c_hlevel = 3

 ''p.s. lv did her bit... ETA 10 Oct given in ticket:471#comment:11''

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