On 09/22/2016 09:07 PM, J. Eric Wonderley wrote:
It defaults to 4k:
mmlsfs testbs8M -i
flag                value                    description
------------------- ------------------------
 -i                 4096                     Inode size in bytes

I think you can make as small as 512b.   Gpfs will store very small
files in the inode.

Typically you want your average file size to be your blocksize and your
filesystem has one blocksize and one inodesize.

The files are not small, but around 20 MB on average.
So I calculated with IBM that a 1 MB or 2 MB block size is best.

But I'm not sure if it's better to use a smaller block size for the metadata.

The file system is not that large (400 TB) and will hold backup data from CommVault.

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