Hi David

On 9/6/06, David Sean Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Edgar Poce wrote:
> hi ruchi,
>  I forgot to mention that I had to add a couple of libraries to the
> tomcat version included in the jetspeed distribution in order to run
> jackrabbit with java5.
> try the following:
> 1. remove every file under /tmp/jackrabbit. once jackrabbit fails to
> create a repository in a directory it will keep until you delete its
> contents.
> 2. download xalan and serializer.jar and put them under
> /jetspeed_installation/common/endorsed.
> 3. start jetspeed and have fun :)
> I've just tested it in a windows box and it works.
> br,
> edgar
I had the  same stacktrace as Ruchi
Not sure which versions of xalan and 'serializer' you recommending

it works with the latest release, xalan.jar and serializer.jar are
both included in the xalan distribution.

Wondering why the two jars must go in endorsed directly, and not in the
WEB-INF/lib directory.

I'm not sure :(, I think I read in jackrabbit mailing list that it was
the right way to go but I didn't investigate further. It was just a
quick fix to make it work. with java 2 jackrabbit worked without
problems, but in java 5 those libraries were removed and some problems

Could you upload your versions of the jars for us, thanks!

you can download it from

Rememeber to remove every file in /tmp/jackrabbit before trying to
start jetspeed again.


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