Hi Glynn,

I'm stretched in time (electronic systems exam ongoing) , but I try to join the thread a bit;

FWIW, I've just built GRASS (SVN head) under MSys/MinGW, and the only
libraries which I needed to compile from source were XDR, PROJ, GDAL
and Tcl/Tk[1]. For the others, I used either the project's own
binaries, or those from GnuWin32.

good to know; probably something has changed since I tried the first time to use them. in the past I had problems to build GDAL with external libs and enabling jpeg support in libtiff, using libjpeg from gnuwin32, obviously.

[1] I had to commit a fix to NVIZ to get it to compile; the previous
change neglected to conditionalise some X11-specific code.

it compiles without changes for me

[2] I had to copy libfftw3-3.dll to libfftw3.dll. I suppose that we
could extend the configure check to try -lfftw3-3.

it works as libfftw3-3 for me, but I compiled it by myself; IIRC the gnuwin32 build has been configured differently than mine... but I'm not sure about that

[4] Actually, I haven't tried using a pre-compiled Tcl/Tk binary. I'm
not sure that we should recommend the ActiveState version due to the
licensing terms.

since it's very fast to compile, also on MinGW, I would higly prefer to build from source, as I currently do

I suppose that wxPython is probably the most important omission. The
main issue here is the lack of python-config on Windows.

I didn't spent much time on it (I tried only few times to let it work without success, but I really didn't seriously try...), but I guess that the soultion would be here: http://wxconfig.googlepages.com/

In the meantime, can we put the binaries for XDR, PROJ, GDAL and
Tcl/Tk on the GRASS site? We really shouldn't be forcing people to
compile these themselves before they can even start trying to compile
GRASS. Especially XDR, PROJ, and GDAL, which are mandatory

I'm currently providing a MSYS build environment, with all the libs/bins I build from source for GRASS, but they are "all together"; I could provide "divided" binaries for each library, if you prefer. On this w-e I'll send to Markus an updated version of the MSYS build env, with some upgrades and the add of the jpeg lib and support. Along with it I'll upload (to release) a new winGRASS binary release (the fourth for 6.3.0)


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