
2010/8/18 Hamish <hamis...@yahoo.com>:
> 2010/8/12 Markus Neteler:
>>> So, there's no need to delay 6.4.0 for ctypes. We can add it in
>>> 6.4.1,
> this option has my vote. Release now, as-is, and add ctypes for 6.4.1.
> (ok, I've just gotten off an airplane, gimme 24 hours for final tests
> on linux and windowsXP now that swig is removed :)
> did swig/examples/ get moved away before the rm?
>>> or even make a separate package which works with 6.4.0
> no thanks, too messy. Just release 6.4.1 with it in 3-5 weeks +1 RC.

what's difference RC7 now and in 2 two weeks 6.4.0?

> re. default GUI, again my vote is to release now, as-is.
> aka don't make major code or policy changes in the last moments before
> release, no matter how attractive it seems short-term.
> I would note that we are default tcl/tk; only the "downstream" packagers
> for WinGrass and Mac have decided to change it to Wx in their packages.
> (Ok, with the possible exception of j...@osgeo4w downstream is mostly
> just us anyway, but technically speaking..)
> actually WinGrass is only default as for the icon it sticks on the desktop.
> from the menu there is a "grass64 -tcltk" option and a "grass64 -wxpython"
> option. Each will technically reset the default GUI each time you call it.
> Finally, for the FOSS4G 2010 OSGeo Live GIS disc I have packaged it with
> ~/.grassrc6 containing GRASS_GUI=wxpython, so there Linux starts with
> the wxGUI.
> Switching the GUI is very easy from the Config menu, and even if it is
> step 1. it shows the user that other avenues exist if they run into a
> problem with e.g. the wx digitizer tool.

Changing default GUI in 6.4.1 released in 3-5 weeks seems to be
strange to me. The question is whether to change default GUI in 6.4. I
cannot tell if wxGUI is robust enough. It should decide the community.
To summarize:

6.4.0 release now and in 3-5 weeks release 6.4.1 with quite *major*
changes (ctypes added, default GUI changes) seems to me as an
overkill. Just my opinion.


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa
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