I'm a GRASS GIS novice and have recently downloaded and successfully installed 
GRASS 6.3.0 directly onto MS-Windows Vista. I have been playing with the GIS 
manager GUI and have run into a problem trying to create thematic Vector maps 
and display them in the map display. I am using the North Carolina data set 
(example data set provided) and a variety of vector maps to try and create 
graduated color, point and line maps to get a feel of how it works. I have been 
adding the thematic layer and specifying all the parameters correctly in the 
GUI. The actual binning of the numeric data is occurring properly because a new 
window will pop-up with the correct legend for the parameters specified, 
however nothing will display in the map display window. I do get a message in 
the command line shell saying "No such monitor exists 'PNG' ". I've tried to 
run d.vect.thematic through the command line shell and get an error saying 
"must open display monitor". I'm not sure what the problem is. Can anyone help?
K. Brookes
Toronto, Canada 

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