Try to run it all in memory:
r.watershed.exe elevation=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem stream=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100 threshold=100 --o

Should finish in a few minutes.

Where is this 4096 coming from in the original command? Should that be memory=4096? r.watershed.exe -m memory=4096 elevation=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem stream=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100 threshold=100 --o

How far did it get? There are usually message like SECTION 1:, SECTION 2:, SECTION 3: etc.

Markus M

Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:
Dear all,
I am trying run a r.watershed command with one 7200x7200 DEM map. But after one day running, the system crash without finish the output generation.
Please, see below (2 warnings before crash).
By the way I am running grass 6.4.0 SVN (rc4?) under Msys/Vista
on a 6Gb/64 bits machine.
Thanks for the help, milton
GRASS 6.4.0svn (newLocation):c:/Users/famiglia > g.region -p
projection: 0 (x,y)
zone:       0
north:      -23.99986111
south:      -26.00013889
west:       -49.00013889
east:       -46.99986111
nsres:      0.00027778
ewres:      0.00027778
rows:       7201
cols:       7201
cells:      51854401
GRASS 6.4.0svn > g.region rast=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem GRASS 6.4.0svn > r.watershed.exe -m 4096 elevation=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem stream=FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100 threshold=100 --o
 WARNING: Subprocess failed with exit code 255
WARNING: category information for
         [FabioASTGTM_S2526W04948_dem_rwatershed_stream_thres0100] in
         [PERMANENT] missing or invalid

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