Hi all,

In fact I have a dell machine, with Vista 64bits that came with the machine.
I compiled grass 64 svn using Msys. Is there a way of I know if my grass are
running with 64bits? By the way, what I need to change to have sure that
grass was compiled to 64bits?

Yesterday I preloaded about 2.5 Gb on memory, and started the r.watershed
again. I monitored the memory usage on Task Manager, and I perfeived that
memory usage gone ~4Gb. So it make me think that 2.5+(~)1.6 (suggested by
Markus?)= ~4Gb. So my system are going behind 3Gbs without problem. But I am
not sure grass do.

Thanks for your time


2009/7/25 Nikos Alexandris <nikos.alexand...@felis.uni-freiburg.de>

> Milton Cezar Ribeiro wrote:
> > > On several trying the system goes only up to 3GB, but I have 6Gb.
> Markus Metz wrote:
> > is grass compiled as 32bit or 64bit? 32bit applications can't use all
> > 6GB of memory, only up to about 3GB.
> Milton,
> you mention you have 6GB of RAM. I assume that you know a 64-bit
> Operating System (besides the applications being 64-bit) is required to
> break the 3GB RAM limit.
> * If you bought the machine with 6GB already equipped then they _must_
> have installed the 64-bit version of sVista [*]. Then follow Markus'
> suggestions.
> * If you did a RAM upgrade by yourself (e.g. from 2GB to 6GB) then did
> you check that you have a 64-bit sVista?
> Nikos
> ---
> [*] svista means in greek "erase them" ;-p
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