On 23/09/2010 03:47, Hamish wrote:
The fundamental and fantastic thing to realize about r.reclass is that is
doesn't actually write a new map, it creates a virtual map based on classes
of the original. It acts as a seamless filter between you and the data.
With a bit of imagination it can be an extraordinarily effective tool,
which after many years of using GRASS I think I'm only beginning to tap.

I am actually using r.reclass quite frequently in batch processing. I read about the concept that a reclass map is some sort of a lightweigt virtual map, but for simple-minded GRASS users like me, r.reclass is just another map-creating raster module. As the documentation states:

> As far as the user (and programmer) is concerned, that raster map has been created.

For quite a while, I used to always align the current region settings with the base map before running r.reclass. After some time, I noted that this isn't necessary, as the generated virtual map is always based on the full extent of the base map and its original resolution. I just couldn't find this mentioned in the documentation.

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