Hi Jorn,

I've been able to successfully import point data into rasters using the very 
clear steps outlined on the GRASS LiDAR wiki page here 
:http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/LIDAR with r.in.xyz 

especially the section titled "Import LAS as raster DEM".
If you are starting with the text file you can do something like 

r.in.xyz input=<path to yourfile> output=<foo> fs=" " x=1 y=2 z=3

learned that ensuring that the region (g.region rast) is set to the extent of 
your data and that the region resolution determines the 
As the tutorial says you may want to do a 

v.surf.rst layer=0 in=${BASEMAP}_pt elev=${BASEMAP}.rst

to fill holes in the data

hope this helps! 
Peter Tittmann
c 707 849 4135

On Friday, February 18, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Jorn Anke wrote: 
> Hi,
> I have a pointcloud, (EUREF-89, sone 32 Norway, northern hemisphere), stored 
> in a text file with format: X Y Z R G B. 
> I can easily import this file into commercial software like AutoCad + 
> proprietary engineering software, and make a 
> dem out of it, run profiling, make elevation maps, and so on. 
> I would however very much like to be able to do the same thing in a open 
> source software like GRASS GIS. By now, I have spent 
> quite some hours trying out GRASS, but still not managed to have it work. I 
> would therefore very much appreciate if someone would 
> take the bother and walk me through the steps required, if possible with a 
> copy of a working chain of commands required in order 
> to accomplish my goal.
> An example file can be found here; 
> http://uavmapping.com/forum/index.php?topic=17.0
> (Notice, there are a considerable number of outliners, that should probably 
> have been removed from the file).
> Best regards,
> Jorn
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