Haven’t come across anything to that effect

> Can you set schema='' or something like that ?
> Moritz

I’ve reverted back to using solely PG driver - notwithstanding this SQLite 

As a prologue to the several issues I encountered with Grass over the last few 

The slow rate of writing out the v.net.allpair results from PostgreSQL was due 
to the sheer volume of line strings, as the number of pairs increased (n^2).  
Simple math said stop.   I’ve since changed my approach and am using 
v.net.distance in a novel way where the to_cat is the origin, and the from_cat 
is a string of destinations - this is an equivalent way of generating multiple 
v.net.paths in a single operation.  Moreover, I’m feeding each origin - 
destination collection into GNU Parallel as a separate job, so it rips through 
the data at scale!  

Still haven’t resolved the issues of v.net.allpair and v.net.distance geometry 
features being dropped with v.out.ogr(to postgres) and v.out.postgis.   
Luckily, the two step process of v.out.ogr(to shapefile), and then ogr2ogr 
doesn’t encounter this problem.  Hence, thats what I’ve gone with.
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