On Sun, 16 Oct 2016, Sören Gebbert wrote:

I don't know why this happens. It may be a bug in the temporal framework
or in itzi. Testing the code in the temporal framework seems to work, but
more testing is needed.


  If I can help test with my data I'll be happy to contribute to getting
this tool working.

However, the traceback is fine, but there must be an error message that
will tell you what mapset is missing and what mapsets are in the temporal
framework search path.

Something like:
You have no permission to "
      "access mapset <%(mapset)s>, or "
      "mapset <%(mapset)s> has no temporal database. "
      "Accessable mapsets are: <%(mapsets)s>


  I sent everything displayed on the console from the command line to the
end. The mapset may not have a temporal database, however ... the mapset's
subdirectory in the location contains two subdirectories: g3dcell and tgis.
g3dcell/ is empty and tgis/ conains 'sqlite.db' holding 462848 bytes:

sqlite> .tables
raster3d_absolute_time str3ds_absolute_time stvds_metadata raster3d_base str3ds_base stvds_relative_time raster3d_metadata str3ds_metadata stvds_spatial_extent raster3d_relative_time str3ds_relative_time stvds_view_abs_time raster3d_spatial_extent str3ds_spatial_extent stvds_view_rel_time raster3d_stds_register str3ds_view_abs_time tgis_metadata raster3d_view_abs_time str3ds_view_rel_time vector_absolute_time raster3d_view_rel_time strds_absolute_time vector_base raster_absolute_time strds_base vector_metadata raster_base strds_metadata vector_relative_time raster_metadata strds_relative_time vector_spatial_extent raster_relative_time strds_spatial_extent vector_stds_register raster_spatial_extent strds_view_abs_time vector_view_abs_time raster_stds_register strds_view_rel_time vector_view_rel_time raster_view_abs_time stvds_absolute_time raster_view_rel_time stvds_base

  The schema's too large to print here.

  Does any of this help?


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