On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 11:22 PM, Dave Roberts <drobe...@montana.edu> wrote:
> Sorry, not having a good day.  This message below was not intended for
> However, the message that should have been here (to keep the thread from
> breaking)
> ogrinfo filename.GDB says that some layers in this file are multi-polygon.
> However, when I use v.in.ogr on the same file they come in as individual
> polygons (which is what I want), not multi-ploygons (i.e. there are as many
> records in the database file as there are areas).
> Id ogrinfo getting this wrong, or is v.in.ogr doing something with the cats
> to make this work?  I'm happy with what it did, but it seems odd.

ogrinfo and v.in.ogr basically use the same functionality. v.in.ogr
assigns the same category value to all polygons within a
multi-polygon. If you get as many records in the database file as
there are areas, that would mean that each multi-polygon contains only
one polygon.

Markus M

> Dave
> On 10/12/16 15:04, Dave Roberts wrote:
>> Indeed.  I should have held out a little longer on canceling.
>> Dave
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> David W. Roberts                                     office 406-994-4548
> Professor and Head                                      FAX 406-994-3190
> Department of Ecology                         email drobe...@montana.edu
> Montana State University
> Bozeman, MT 59717-3460
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