On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 12:45 AM, Paulo van Breugel
<p.vanbreu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Dinarzarde and Helmut
> I checked on Windows (grass 7.4.0 installed using osgeo4w), and installing
> r.vif using g.extension works fine, but after installing it does not appear
> in the addon list in the Modules tab. The same is true for a number of other
> addons I installed. There are, on the other hand, a number of addons that
> appear in the list (r.regression.series, r.series.lwr, v.kriging, and 6
> others).

Could you please check if this depends on the programming language in
which the respective module was written (Python, C, ...)?

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