Hi Sophie,

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 4:26 PM, Sophie Crommelinck <
sophie.crommeli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am unable to figure out why a certain processing algorithm
> (v.net.steiner) works fine in QGIS2, but not in QGIS3. I am using the same
> line and point layer with the same cost column. The input data as well as
> the cost column are the only parameters that I define, the others remain
> the default ones.
> In QGIS2 the processing history looks like this:
> *processing.runalg("grass7:v.net.steiner","C:/xxx/linesLayer.shp","C:/xxx/nodeLayer.shp",50,2,"1-100000","boundary",-1,False,"794057.939937,794307.889937,9833916.58837,9834082.13837",-1,0.0001,0,None)*

... note that there are no parameter names coded.

But here:


In QGIS3 the processing history looks like this:
> *processing.run("grass7:v.net <http://v.net>.steiner",
> {'input':'C:/xxx/linesLayer.shp','points':'C:/xxx/nodeLayer.shp','threshold':50,'arc_type':[0,1],'terminal_cats':'1-100000','acolumn':'boundary','npoints':-1,'-g':False,'output':'G:/1_QGIS_Temp_files/processing_f8ef30794232406cb21d5d7cc1d06809/4774808dfe284dafafd9a15a9879a5c1/output.shp','GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER':None,'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER':-1,'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER':0.0001,'GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER':0})*

... here yes. And v.net.steiner does not have a "points" parameter, see


*v.net.steiner* [-*g*] *input*=*name* *output*=*name* [*arc_type*=*string*[,
*string*,...]] [*arc_layer*=*string*] [*node_layer*=*string*] [*acolumn*=
*string*] *terminal_cats*=*range* [*npoints*=*integer*] [--*overwrite*] [--
*help*] [--*verbose*] [--*quiet*] [--*ui*]

Hence this error:

> No result is created. The error messages indicate that the point layer
> cannot be used:
> *FEHLER: v.net.steiner: Sorry, <points> is not a valid parameter*

 The bug seems to be in this file

I'd suggest you open a bug report with QGIS on this.


Markus Neteler, PhD
http://www.mundialis.de - free data with free software
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