
The manual [1] gives the following examples. Did you try that?

*grass74 -c EPSG:5514:3 $HOME/grassdata/mylocation* Creates new GRASS
location with EPSG code 5514 (S-JTSK / Krovak East North - SJTSK) with
datum transformation parameters used in Czech Republic in the specified
GISDBASE *grass74 -c myvector.shp $HOME/grassdata/mylocation* Creates new
GRASS location based on georeferenced Shapefile *grass74 -c myraster.tif
$HOME/grassdata/mylocation* Creates new GRASS location based on
georeferenced GeoTIFF file

I think the last example is the one you want



On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 3:38 PM Rich Shepard <>

> On Mon, 16 Jul 2018, Markus Metz wrote:
> > The proj4 string can not contain all the information present in WKT. As I
> > mentioned before, the safest is to create a new location directly from
> the
> > data to be imported, unless there is a good reason to assume that the srs
> > info in the data as reported by gdalinfo is wrong.
> Markus,
>    If I don't use the proj4 string provided by gdalinfo how do I create a
> new
> location directly from the data to be imported? In the case of these DLQs
> there are four files, e.g.: *.aux, *.tfw, *.tif, and *.tif.xml.
>    Do I type, ' -c new_loc/PERMANENT' then start grass with
> 'grass75
> new_loc/PERMANENT' and run ' in=/path/to/filename.tif
> out=new_map'?
> Thanks,
> Rich
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