* Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> [2018-07-16 08:04:59 -0700]:

On Sat, 14 Jul 2018, Nikos Alexandris wrote:

gdalinfo int_43120C4404.tif -proj4 -nomd


 For some reason I looked at the .xml file rather than running gdalinfo on
the 100th/quad .tif file. Creating a new location with that proj.4 string
allowed me to import the DLQ, but ... I still needed to use the '-o'
projection override. IIRC, the proj.4 string units are feet, but the image
itself is apparently in meters. Well, it's ESRI software and as long as it
imports I'm happy.

 The new imported raster map reprojected to the project location, so the
remaining question (which may not have an answer) is why three separate
color bands are imported (RGB)? The display is monochrome and all three
separate images *.red, *.green, and *.blue look the same on the monitor. Can
I display this DLQ in color? (I think the last time I used aerial
photographs or satellite imagery was with grass-4.1 or -5.x.)


I also think there might be something special to these images.
From another example file, LDQ-42124C2:

gdalinfo intensity_42124C2_1.tif -norat -nomd
Band 1 Block=64x64 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray
 Description = Band_1
 Min=5.000 Max=255.000
 Minimum=5.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=150.269, StdDev=39.671
 NoData Value=0
 Overviews: 583x908, 292x454, 146x227, 73x114, 37x57
Band 2 Block=64x64 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Undefined
 Description = Band_2
 Min=5.000 Max=255.000
 Minimum=5.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=150.269, StdDev=39.671
 NoData Value=0
 Overviews: 583x908, 292x454, 146x227, 73x114, 37x57
Band 3 Block=64x64 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Undefined
 Description = Band_3
 Min=5.000 Max=255.000
 Minimum=5.000, Maximum=255.000, Mean=150.269, StdDev=39.671
 NoData Value=0
 Overviews: 583x908, 292x454, 146x227, 73x114, 37x57

Is it "ok" to have identical stats for all layers?


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