Hello Moritz,

First a pop-up came about not finding it, so reinstalled it.

g.extension r.object.geometry

WARNING: Extension <r.object.geometry> already installed. Re-installing...
Downloading precompiled GRASS Addons <r.object.geometry>...
Updating addons metadata file...
Installation of <r.object.geometry> successfully finished
(Mon Oct 08 16:55:04 2018) Command finished (4 sec)

(Mon Oct 08 16:55:53 2018)

r.object.geometry SegmW24IDM4DV4 output=test.csv

Calculating statistics
Writing output
(Mon Oct 08 16:56:14 2018) Command finished (21 sec)

g.region -p

projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       21
datum:      wgs84
ellipsoid:  wgs84
north:      634826.41313284
south:      611477.61329757
west:       775494.11663193
east:       793630.22784822
nsres:      0.50000642
ewres:      0.50000307
rows:       46697
cols:       36272
cells:      1693793584

r.info SegmW24IDM4DV4

 | Map:      SegmW24IDM4DV4                 Date: Fri Oct 05 23:46:04 2018
 | Mapset:   LUP1                           Login of Creator: haarlooj
 | Location: Cottica_LUP
 | DataBase: Z:\GRASS_GIS
 | Title:
 | Timestamp: none
 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 0
 |   Data Type:    CELL
 |   Rows:         46697
 |   Columns:      36272
 |   Total Cells:  ju
 |        Projection: UTM (zone 21)
 |            N: 634826.41313284    S: 611477.61329757   Res: 0.50000642
 |            E: 793630.22784822    W: 775494.11663193   Res: 0.50000307
 |   Range of data:    min = 1  max = 12901
 |   Data Description:
 |    generated by i.segment
 |   Comments:
 |    i.segment --overwrite group="DV4@LUP1,IDM4@LUP1,W2@LUP1,W4@LUP1"
out\   |
 |    put="SegmW24IDM4DV4" threshold=0.25 radius=1.5
method="region_growin\   |
 |    g" similarity="euclidean" minsize=5000 memory=10000
seeds="SegW24IDM\   |
 |    4DV4@LUP1" goodness="SegmW24IDM4DV4_goodn"

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 4:27 PM Moritz Lennert <mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>

> Am 8. Oktober 2018 20:40:39 MESZ schrieb Jamille Haarloo <
> j.r.haar...@gmail.com>:
> >Sorry about that Moritz. Possibly I made that mistake, but I tried
> >several
> >times. I don't think I reproduced the same mistake in all tries.
> >These are the i.segment.stats results with Grass 7.6 (64 bit;
> >r73480-35). I
> >am reading up on this error now.
> >
> >i.segment.stats -n map=SegmW24IDM4DV4@LUP1
> >rasters=W2@LUP1,W4@LUP1,DV2@LUP1
> >raster_statistics=mean,stddev,variance,coeff_var,first_quart,median,third_quart,perc_90
> >area_measures=compact_circle csvfile=X:\Projecten\Land-use Planning
> >Marowijne\GIS en RS\Werkfolder\GRASS &
> >R\grass_cmd_output-i.segment.statsSegmWV24IDM4DV4_5okt2018.txt
> >vectormap=VSegmWV24IDM4DV4 processes=4
> >Calculating geometry statistics...
> >Traceback (most recent call last):
> >  File "C:\Users\haarlooj\AppData\Roaming\GRASS7\addons/scri
> >pts/i.segment.stats.py", line 370, in <module>
> >    main()
> >  File "C:\Users\haarlooj\AppData\Roaming\GRASS7\addons/scri
> >pts/i.segment.stats.py", line 219, in main
> >    quiet=True)
> >  File "C:\Program Files\GRASS GIS
> >7.6.svn\etc\python\grass\script\core.py", line 423, in
> >run_command
> >    return handle_errors(returncode, returncode, args,
> >kwargs)
> >  File "C:\Program Files\GRASS GIS
> >7.6.svn\etc\python\grass\script\core.py", line 334, in
> >handle_errors
> >    returncode=returncode)
> >grass.exceptions.CalledModuleError: Module run None
> >['r.object.geometry', '--o', '--q', 'output=Z:\\GRASS_GIS\\C
> >ottica_LUP\\LUP1\\.tmp/unknown\\10956.0',
> >'input=SegmW24IDM4DV4@LUP1'] ended with error
> Could you directly run r.object.geometry:
> r.object.geometry SegmW24IDM4DV4 output=test.csv
> and tell us what you get ?
> And what is your computational region (g.region -p)  and the output of
> r.info SegmW24IDM4DV4 ?
> Moritz
> >Process ended with non-zero return code -1073741515. See
> >errors in the (error) output.
> >
> >On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 10:06 AM Moritz Lennert
> ><mlenn...@club.worldonline.be>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> On 04/10/18 17:06, Jamille Haarloo wrote:
> >> > i.segment.stats errors:
> >>
> >> Please, whenever you report errors, also report the command line
> >used.
> >>
> >> > ERROR: Error while executing: 'CREATE TABLE segmstat_tmp_vect_7968
> >(cat
> >> > int, area double precision, compact_circle double precision,
> >DV2_mean
> >> > double precision, DV2_stddev double precision, DV2_variance double
> >> > precision, DV2_coeff_var double precision, DV2_first_quart double
> >> > precision, DV2_median double precision, DV2_third_quart double
> >> > precision, DV2_perc_90 double precision, DV4_mean double precision,
> >> > DV4_stddev double precision, DV4_variance double precision,
> >> > DV4_coeff_var double precision, DV4_first_quart double precision,
> >> > DV4_median double precision, DV4_third_quart double precision,
> >> > DV4_perc_90 double precision, IDM2_mean double precision,
> >IDM2_stddev
> >> > double precision, IDM2_variance double precision, IDM2_coeff_var
> >double
> >> > precision, IDM2_first_quart double precision, IDM2_median double
> >> > precision, IDM2_third_quart double precision, IDM2_perc_90 double
> >> > precision, IDM4_mean double precision, IDM4_stddev double
> >precision,
> >> > IDM4_variance double precision, IDM4_coeff_var double precision,
> >> > IDM4_first_quart double precision, IDM4_median double precision,
> >> > IDM4_third_quart double precision, IDM4_perc_90 double precision,
> >> > W2_mean double precision, W2_stddev double precision, W2_variance
> >double
> >> > precision, W2_coeff_var double precision, W2_first_quart double
> >> > precision, W2_median double precision, W2_third_quart double
> >precision,
> >> > W2_perc_90 double precision, DV4_mean double precision, DV4_stddev
> >> > double precision, DV4_variance double precision, DV4_coeff_var
> >double
> >> > precision, DV4_first_quart double precision, DV4_median double
> >> > precision, DV4_third_quart double precision, DV4_perc_90 double
> >> > precision, neighbors_count double precision, area_nbrmean double
> >> > precision, area_nbrstddev double precision, compact_circle_nbrmean
> >> > double precision, compact_circle_nbrstddev double precision,
> >> > DV2_mean_nbrmean double precision, DV2_mean_nbrstddev double
> >precision,
> >> > DV2_stddev_nbrmean double precision, DV2_stddev_nbrstddev double
> >> > precision, DV2_variance_nbrmean double precision,
> >> > DV2_variance_nbrstddeGRASS_INFO_ERROR(7020,1):
> >>
> >> The DV2 and DV4 maps seem to be there twice and so there are
> >duplicate
> >> column names, leading to a failure in the CREATE TABLE call.
> >>
> >> In the call to i.segment.stats, did you maybe add these map names
> >twice
> >> to the 'rasters' parameter by accident ?
> >>
> >> Moritz
> >>
> >>
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