On 15/10/18 21:00, Jamille Haarloo wrote:
I did with neighborhood statistics and vector, and without.

with neighb. statistics & with vector
i.segment.stats -n --overwrite map=SegW24IDM4DV4@LUP1 rasters=DV2@LUP1,DV4@LUP1,IDM2@LUP1,IDM4@LUP1,W2@LUP1,W4@LUP1 raster_statistics=mean,stddev,variance,coeff_var,first_quart,median,third_quart,perc_90 area_measures=compact_circle csvfile=C:\Users\haarlooj\Stats_SegW24IDM4DV4_15okt18 vectormap=vSegW24IDM4DV4 processes=3
Calculating geometry statistics...
Calculating statistics for raster maps...
Calculating neighborhood statistics...
Creating output vector map...
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
near "IDM4_third_qu": syntax error
ERROR: Error while executing: 'CREATE TABLE segmstat_tmp_vect_10260 (cat int, compact_circle double precision, DV2_mean double precision, DV2_stddev double precision, DV2_variance double precision, DV2_coeff_var double precision, DV2_first_quart double precision, DV2_median double precision, DV2_third_quart double precision, DV2_perc_90 double precision, DV4_mean double precision, DV4_stddev

This is not using the new version of i.segment.stats that I committed yesterday. I see that the version available at https://wingrass.fsv.cvut.cz/grass74/x86_64/addons/latest/ is still the one from before my changes.

Martin, any reason this has not been recreated since ?

without neighb. statistics, but with vector
(Mon Oct 15 10:54:02 2018)
i.segment.stats --overwrite map=SegW24IDM4DV4@LUP1 rasters=DV2@LUP1,DV4@LUP1,IDM2@LUP1,IDM4@LUP1,W2@LUP1,W4@LUP1 raster_statistics=mean,stddev,variance,coeff_var,first_quart,median,third_quart,perc_90 area_measures=compact_circle csvfile=C:\Users\haarlooj\Stats_SegW24IDM4DV4_15okt18 vectormap=vSegW24IDM4DV4 processes=3
Calculating geometry statistics...
Calculating statistics for raster maps...
Creating output vector map...
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
no such column: nan
DBMI-SQLite driver error:
Error in sqlite3_prepare():
no such column: nan
ERROR: Error while executing: 'INSERT INTO segmstat_tmp_vect_3516 VALUES (1244, 1.128379,0.0694444477558136,0,0,0,0.0694444,0.0694444,0.0694444,0.0694444,0,0,0,nan,0,0,0,0,0.53125,0,0,0,0.53125,0.53125,0.53125,0.53125,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,3,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1)'

Hmmm, not sure where this 'nan' comes from. If I see correctly it is from a coefficient of variation of DV4@LUP1 for an object where both the mean and the stddev are 0, leading to a zero division.

I don't know what DV4 is. Is it normal that an object could have mean and stddev = 0 ? If yes, then the coefficient of variation might not be useful.

Anyhow, I just committed a fix (r73555) which should normally replace this 'nan' by its SQL equivalent 'NULL'.

without neighb. statistics & without vector
(Mon Oct 15 14:58:40 2018)
i.segment.stats --overwrite map=SegW24IDM4DV4@LUP1 rasters=DV2@LUP1,DV4@LUP1,IDM2@LUP1,IDM4@LUP1,W2@LUP1,W4@LUP1 raster_statistics=mean,stddev,variance,coeff_var,first_quart,median,third_quart,perc_90 area_measures=compact_circle csvfile=C:\Users\haarlooj\Stats_SegW24IDM4DV4_15okt18b processes=3
Calculating geometry statistics...
Calculating statistics for raster maps...
(Mon Oct 15 15:15:18 2018) Command finished (16 min 38 sec)

with neighb. statistics, but without vector
(Mon Oct 15 15:32:39 2018)
i.segment.stats -n --overwrite map=SegW24IDM4DV4@LUP1 rasters=DV2@LUP1,DV4@LUP1,IDM2@LUP1,IDM4@LUP1,W2@LUP1,W4@LUP1 raster_statistics=mean,stddev,variance,coeff_var,first_quart,median,third_quart,perc_90 area_measures=compact_circle csvfile=C:\Users\haarlooj\Stats_SegW24IDM4DV4_15okt18c processes=3
Calculating geometry statistics...
Calculating statistics for raster maps...
Calculating neighborhood statistics...
(Mon Oct 15 15:50:25 2018) Command finished (17 min 46 sec)

These two are normal as your errors are all in the SQL that creates the attribute table of the vector. If you do not create a vector map, you obvisouly do not get the errors.

Does the content of the csv file look correct ?

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