Hello All,

I'm new to graylog so bare with me if I'm asking a stupid question, but the 
little bit a research I've done on this subject hasn't been as fruitful as 
I've hoped. I have a syslog server with years of archived logs where the 
logs are arranged under a directory structure like 
/logs/$hostip/$year/$month/$day/$facility/$facility.log, and any long older 
than 3 days is compressed to conserve space. I want to import these logs 
into graylog and it looks like the most common tools used for importing log 
files is graylog-collector or logstash, but from looking at configuration 
examples it looks like these tools only monitor individual log files and 
cannot recursively traverse a directory structure and send the logs.

Are the collector or logstash able to traverse a directory structure and 
send any files it finds to graylog? If this is possible can someone provide 
or point me to some configuration examples? Also would the compressed logs 
need to be unpacked before sending them to the server?

If the tools are not able to traverse a directory structure can someone 
provide some guidance on an alternate method to import the logs? I came 
across someone using netcat, but it wasn't overly apparent how they 
accomplished the task. Scripting something to rip down the directory 
structure and pipe the files through whatever filters are need to send them 
to the server is simple enough, I just want to ensure I've setup the 
correct inputs on the server.


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