Firstly: I love the idea of being able to push out updated configuration 
files to my collectors. That said: I'm having issues getting logs to my 
Graylog box (deployed from the OVA)

Steps taken so far are as follows

   - Installed NXlogCE
   - Uninstalled the NXlog service
   - Installed the Graylog Collector Sidecar
   - Edited the sidecar_collector.yml file to point to my Graylog server, 
   and remove the reference to IIS
   - Installed the Graylog Collector Sidecar service
   - Started the Graylog Collector Sidecar service
   - Created a configuration (Windows Logs, ship to the UDP GELF Input 
   defined on my Graylog box)
   - Created a tag called Windows and applied it to this configuration

I see the nxlog.conf get created on the Windows server, I see nxlog.exe 
start up on server, but nothing is sent. TCPDump on the Graylog server 
shows only the TCP connections in on port 12900 from the Windows server.

Any advice on troubleshooting this would be much appreciated!

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