Press Statement

9th November 2008.

A protest march against the ABVP's fascist assault and vandalism was
held by the University Community on the on 7th November, starting from
Vivekananda statue, Arts Faculty of Delhi University. A large number
of students and teachers from Delhi University were joined by JNU and
Jamia students, and a march of more than 600 people traversed all
colleges in the North Campus raising slogans.

The march also stopped in front of DUSU office for around five
minutes, raising slogans against ABVP as well as Nupur Sharma, the
President and her associates who attacked the seminar on 6th November.
The march proceeded to the Vice Chancellor's office, where a protest
meeting was held. Students and teachers in one voice spoke against
ABVP's communal-fascist politics, the inaction of the Delhi Police as
well as the administration's attempt to curb the rights of speech and

A delegation of students and teachers, which also included the
representatives of University Community, the organizers of the public
meeting of the 6th November, met the DU administration and demanded
immediate and strict action against the ABVP lumpens who were
responsible for full-scale vandalism, physical assault and inciting
communal frenzy. The university administration was asked to file an
FIR against the culprits, and to constitute a time-bound enquiry into
the incident.

The ABVP and its masters, BJP, have however continued to justify their
action. They, including Nupur Sharma have been giving communally
charged statements in the media targeting Prof. SAR Geelani in
particular and the university community in general. The ABVP has been
spreading completely baseless allegations and are hounding the
organizers of the public meeting and the members of the group,
University Community. Yesterday the ABVP tried filed a false case
alleging that four members of the group tried to attack the DUSU
office. The white lie however was for all to see, the march was
conducted peacefully and no such incident as alleged by the ABVP has
ever occurred. The members of media were present, and a large
contingent Delhi Police personnel was deployed which accompanied the
whole course of the protest march, and they would have reported about
it had such incident occurred.  A number senior teachers  of the
university also were present, who marched along with the students.  It
is to be noted that even before the march reached in front of the DUSU
office, the gates of the office were closed.  After their fascist
politics getting successfully repelled and thoroughly exposed, the
ABVP and its masters in RSS and BJP are now resorting to spreading
rumours and baseless allegations in order to save their face. We
condemn such fascist tactics of the ABVP and the sangh-parivar to
intimidate and repress the democratic voices of the campus.

The University Community takes strong objection to the false and
dangerous propaganda from a person holding a responsible office like
the President of the student union the largest Central University of
the country. Moreover, by calling a teacher of the university a
terrorist, ABVP and Ms Nupur Sharma has insulted the entire student of
the university. We demand an unconditional apology from Ms Nupur
Sharma for her objectionable remark. By planning and organising the
attack under her leadership personally (she personally led the vulgar
attack on the spot) she made an aborted attempt to disrupt a meeting
which was duly publicised and held at a venue with the permission of
the University Authorities. ABVP is also challenging all the
democratic structures of the university. In fact, this very act goes a
long way to prove the concerns expressed by the organizers about the
"increasing onslaught of the right- wing Hindu communal-fascist
forces" in our country. This act and the brazen manner in which the
DUSU President has carried this act shows us that the threat looms
much larger than we can envisage. It is not only states like Gujarat
or Orissa that are witness to this onslaught, even institutions of
higher learning in the national capital are not free from the clutches
of Hindu communal fascist goons.

Ms Nupur Sharma has also gone on record saying that she herself would
have spat on SAR Geelani. This also shows that the DUSU President has
no respect for the law or the judicial system of the country, let
alone codes of civilized conduct in public places. We should all think
whether such a person has any right to hold a responsible office. It
is the typical duplicity of politics of the Hindutva brigade to take
recourse to the law when it is convenient for their divisive politics
and to break it to run their writ as they are against all forms of
democratic functioning or accountability.

It is also interesting to see the ABVP student who resorted to a
heinous act of spitting on respected Geelani is trying play another
drama in sections of media that  like Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur,
another ABVP goon, arrested in connection with the Malegaon blasts,
that he doesn't belong to ABVP. Another false claim made by ABVP,
which appeared in sections of newspapers is that the seminar was
organized by outsiders. The University Community comprises a group of
students and teachers of Delhi University who thought it is high time
that we started discussing some of the burning issues that are
threatening to incinerate the secular and democratic fabric of our
society. It is only natural that some people who are interested in the
topic would have decided to attend the seminar as is the tradition in
all universities whether it is DU, JNU or Jamia Millia Islamia. Since
DU has no policy to hold all the events inside closed doors, it is
surprising that the DUSU President takes objection to the presence of
some "outsiders". Perhaps for the likes of Nupur Sharma and ABVP  and
to the politics of communal fascism which she owes her affiliation,
anyone who talks for the oppressed or incarcerated or anyone who dares
to raise the voice against a highly patriarchal, oppressive, casteist,
and communal Hindutva brigade is an "outsider".

University Community

Contact Persons: Arjumand Ara, Natasha, Tripta Wahi, Shikha, Umar
Khalid Harsh Bora, 9811855618, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

University Community

Students and Teachers of University of Delhi
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