Thanks for the heart warming welcome, mate :) No, the financial
meltdown is still in the pipeline, as far as I am concerned.
I, as a citizen of this country is entitled to have any opinion about
our western neighbor. It is the duty of the people who run this
country to engage with it. After all, everybody has their own 'core
competencies', right? That they are not up to the mark is partly my
fault, I agree.

Best regards,

On Nov 30, 7:22 pm, "Bobby Kunhu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> welcome back Murali or is that the financial meltdowm has allowed you to
> condescend to converse with  the likes of us
> If you have been following the  Obama campaign, you might have noticed that
> one of his important foriegn policy planks was on attacking Pakistan
> so do tell me how we should deal with the wholesale manufacturers abd
> merchants of terror
> eagerly waiting for your wisdom on this

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