... the answer would lie in sustained, determined, intelligent
politico- adminstrative measures to mobilize the beneficiaries and
neutralize the losers"

Forget about "neo-liberalism"!

The terms "mobilize" and "neutralize", as used here, have
spine-chilling implications.
The bloodbath in Nandigram, perpetrated by gun-wielding hoodlums
riding motorbikes and fluttering red flags, was the graphic and gory
That it eventually backfired is another story altogether.


On 8/8/09, damodar prasad <damodar.pra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Many of you must have read Indraneel Dasgupta's epw article "on Some Left
> critiques of the Left". It seems some are higlighting as if this paper has
> something revelator!!! Oye!!!  We should be asking the otherway:  is there
> anything new in this article? It is a representation of the neo-orthodoxy so
> popular amongst instituional economists. Its neo-orthodoxy in the sense it
> is unwilling to carry the baggage of the Rightwing but wants itself to get
> close to mainstream Left. Actually this is the neo-classical neo-populism
> accepted at large by the policy making bodies and international instituions
> like WB, IMF etc.
> In Kerala, it may not be so popular in the popular media because it mostly
> clings to left sentimentalism (the romanticism of worst kind!!). Economists
> like Dr.Santakumar of CDS has been advocating this perspective for so
> long openly stating this ideology as neo-liberal. However they did
> articulate such ideas with a sense of democracy unilke the cantakerous ones
> now associating with the left who are like leeches cluthcing to movements
> and parties in transition for absolutely self-sake agenda.
> Nirupam Sen himself in a post-election interview has clearly said why the WB
> wanted to pursue agressive industrialkization and what price they have to
> give for such deeds. Basically, what can be inferred from the interveiw is
> the question of democracy and development. It is not like the conservative
> opposition to industrialization and private capital but how the Left should
> pursue a model different from say a Modi like development administrator. How
> the issue of disposession and accumulation via disposession has to be
> treated?
> We are discussing all this in the contexct of Global finance crisis and also
> politico-administrative crisis that we are witnessing at LALGARH...
> Indarneel Banerjee' " one-liner" on the issue of disposession is
> interesting: ".. the answer would lie in sustained, determined, intelligent
> politico- adminstrative measures to mobilize the beneficiaries and
> neutralize the losers".. What an important political advise to Left in times
> of crises of neoliberalism!!!.
> d.prasad,
> >

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