some random reflections...........

it is not really marxism that Zizec advocates, his style and function has an
evangelic character. The current potpourri mixed with lacanian ideas and
Marxist politics, emerged out of the moral, political and ofcource financial
crisis that haunt west now days. Ours is a different Marxism.

But I do not think the dialectical reasoning in essence rejects the
philosophical doctrine of religions which is still relevent. We have to
rethink about religious philosophy that put forward by Christ, Muhammad,
Narayanaguru etc....We have to deconstruct Zizec from the standpoint of 3rd
world Marxism....etc....

And Chatopathya was criticised by many for his mechanical interpretation of
Marxist doctrine.


On 1/30/10, C.K. Vishwanath <> wrote:
> From Joe-
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 1:37 PM, CK Vishwanath <>wrote:
>> DEar vishwanath,
>> below iam scribbling some of my recent concerns .I am a bit confused by
>> the way in which stalwarts like zizec and Alan bodiue subscribe to the view
>> that relgion is the answer to all the perils and that we have to seek the
>> answer for all philosophical queries in Bible, paul and Augustine.Where has
>> gone the left which had the courage to stand by secular Marxism. If we buy
>> "the relgion inits 'true' form as panacea for all" argument, what about
>> relgion like Hinduism of india which as a philosophy justify hierarchical
>> discrimination based on caste and oppression. . Terry Eagelton is another
>> guy who leaves no stone unturned in his ferocious and violent defence of
>> chrisitinaity like a true fanatic.
>> In my own personal experience as catholic in india (before my atheistic
>> phase) which is discriminatory on caste lines and in the mainstream, except
>> inthe safe academic corridors of the pretencious catholic left,works for
>> de-politicisation.I have experienced religion as truely retrograde,if if it
>> is devoid of its potential ability to surive as a philosophic entity,and
>> understood as a superstition of the masses. We are people who lived the
>> experience of combined attack by the relgions against ineter religious
>> marriages .Religion as a real life experience is patriarchal, hierarchical
>> and foments bigotry. If relgion is the only answer for the quest to
>> comprehend human essence, as the apogees of god from the left say, and the
>> epitome of human history ( because they say in religion and in its myths man
>> saw his own purified reflection without the wordly blemishes,(forget
>> brahmanism) , then what about feminist criticism of relgion as patriarchal.
>> What about the crass superstitions which make 3rd world people depoliticise
>> and slavish.I don’t deny liberatory impulses associated with certain
>> religious movements at some points in history.But on the whole, as a
>> fullfeldged theory for emancipation how can it help. Above all, what about
>> the dialectics between science and religion at its common level without the
>> Kuhnian post-modern interpolation. Science or say rationaltity is not a mere
>> product of capitalism and enlightemnemnt. It dates back to the crude
>> materialism of Epicurus and all the debates of ancient greek.. Debiprasad
>> chatopadhyaya had shed light on the existence of philosphical materialism in
>> its rationalist 'avtar in the struggles of charvakas of ancient india in
>> their fight against Hindu brahmanism.He also showed us the veiled existence
>> of materilaist philosphy in the dscourse of many an idealistic
>> schools,despite the pretence of godliness, fearing peresecution from powers
>> that be.Zizeks and the likes should even understand that budhism in its
>> corporate phase would be idealistic lamaism, but it was handy in opposing
>> brahmanic caste exploitation in its beginning. so the theory that the realm
>> of spirituality,dating back to antiquity, is the only human edifice worth
>> resorting to is a nonesense.
>> In their rightful indignation at Stalinist bureaucratisation of socilaism,
>> even noble scholastic pursuits in erst-while soviet Russia is forgotten by
>> the left.Stacherbesky is a case in point.with regards joe
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