Dear Sr. Clare,

I can't help with the Scribus issues, but can help with your first question.

1. To surpress the opening initial, put the following in your GABC header
(before the %%):

initial-style: 0;

If you put 1 in place of the zero you will get the regular sized initial.


bro. Innocent Smith, o.p.

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Clare <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I've just this week discovered Gregorio. Previously I'd been using the
> fairly ancient French program 'Gregoire' to produce simple plainchant output
> but obviously Gregorio produces much nicer output!
> I used to be a programmer in my younger days before I became a Franciscan
> Sister but I've never had any experience of TeX so I'm floundering in deep
> water a little at the moment.
> I've installed Gregorio 2.0 and TexLive2010 on Win7, and initially although
> Gregorio produced .tex output just fine, I couldn't get from there to the
> pdf file without errors. Eventually I installed the gregoriotex.tex file
> provided by Tracy in this message:-
> and this fixed the problem - hurrah! (although I have no idea what changes
> were made in that file and why).
> Then, since I was happily producing scores via TeXWorks, I decided to
> install Scribus 1.4.0rc3 and try to get the Gregorio integration working
> there. I inevitably had the problem with gregorio-scribus.lua which needed a
> couple of lines changing to *local f = arg[1]* and local *dir = arg[2] *
> and* *--interaction=nonstopmode added to the spawn command. I thought
> after fixing these that I was on to a winner, but although Gregorio now
> successfully runs without Scribus, the output has errors, as per the
> following:-
> **
> This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.60.2-2010071421 (Web2C 2010) (rev 3736)
> restricted \write18 enabled.
> (./scribus_temp_render_qH3556.tex
> LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
> LuaTeX adaptation of babel <v3.8l-luatex-1.4> and hyphenation patterns for
> engl
> ish, dumylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
> (c:/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/tex/latex/extsizes/extarticle.cls
> Document Class: extarticle 1996/10/08 v1.0 Non Standard LaTeX document
> class
> (c:/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo)
> ...
> ... etc
> ...
> (c:/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/generic/gregoriotex/gregoriotex-symbols.tex
> ))) (./scribus_temp_render_qH3556.aux)
> (c:/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/tex/latex/psnfss/t1ptm.fd)
> *geometry* driver: auto-detecting
> *geometry* detected driver: pdftex
> (c:/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/supp-pdf.mkii
> [Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
> ) (./scribus_temp_render_qH3556-score.tex
> !* Undefined control sequence.*
> *\begingregorioscore ...\ifgreluatex \gredirectlua*
> *{gregoriotex.atScoreBeggin...*
> *l.3 \begingregorioscore*
> *%*
> *! Undefined control sequence.*
> *\endgregorioscore ...l \ifgreluatex \gredirectlua*
> *{gregoriotex.atScoreEnd()}...*
> *l.30 \endgregorioscore*
> *%*
> ...
> ... etc
> ...
> Output written on scribus_temp_render_qH3556.pdf (1 page, 31846 bytes).
> Transcript written on scribus_temp_render_qH3556.log.
> scribus_temp_render_qH3556
> calling 'gregorio
> C:\Users\Tess\AppData\Local\Temp\scribus_temp_render_qH3556-score.gabc'
> calling 'lualatex --interaction nonstopmode scribus_temp_render_qH3556.tex'
> Now the scribus_temp_render_qH3556.pdf is actually produced and looks fine
> except that it has 'gregoriotex.atScoreBeggining' where the initial letter
> should be. But none of it appears in Scribus, presumably because of the
> errors elsewhere.
> I see from the mailing list that my problem might be somehow related to
> this thread:-
>  <>but I'm
> afraid it's a bit beyond me, trying to bugfix with my utter lack of TeX
> ability. (although the misspelling of 'atScoreBeggining' looks suspicious!)
> Could one of you gurus point me in the right direction for a workaround in
> step-by-step language?
> ---
> Also (with apologies for cramming all this into one message) I have the
> following questions:-
> 1. Is it possible to suppress the big initial letter altogether? I often
> need to create scores with no lyrics (eg for monastic diurnal type hymns
> where the music and lyrics are printed separately since the lyrics change
> every day). I've found a workaround by commenting out the \greinitial{}
> command in the .tex file, but every time I reprocess the .gabc file of
> course the .tex file is overwritten and the \greinitial{} reinserted!
> 2. Is there a definitive up to date list of \gre commands anywhere? Maybe
> the list on the website is exhaustive - I just wanted to check.
> 3. Is there a way to make the final line of a score justified? At the
> moment I'm having to do a final (z) but that creates a blank line at the
> bottom of the score.
> Many thanks to the devs of this software. Makes a change from scribbling
> out neumes by hand!
> best wishes,
> Sr Clare,
> Oxford, England.
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