On 2016-09-15 4:36 PM, Marek Klein wrote:
Tex Live 2015 is installed and build.sh run without problems.

In that case, the documentation should have been built as it is part of the build.sh script to create it if it isn't there. If it didn't, that's a problem. Can you please run system-setup.command and post the results so that I can configure my Ubuntu 16.04 test machine to be the same as yours and look into this.

I downloaded and extracted this file:
There are no pdf files in the doc directory...

That file is a copy of the git repository (the equivalent of a clone, just without the actual git stuff), not the distribution tar-ball. It's a file which GitHub adds automatically and which we cannot remove, but is not meant to be part of our distribution channels. Indeed, I should have mentioned, there was no distribution tar-ball created for v4.1.5 because it was considered a CTAN only update. I.e. only those who were using TeXLive 2016 and updating through tlmgr were expected to use it. This decision was made because v4.2.0 is actually ready for release, I just haven't had the time to pull the trigger and make it official (I was going to do it Tuesday, but other things got in the way). At this point I expect to release 4.2 on Saturday at the latest (assuming your build bug doesn't turn out to be something major).

For v4.1.4, the distribution tar-ball (with the docs) is here:

On a related point, if you install full TeXLive 2016 (which is available for Ubuntu 16.04 through the usual apt-get channels, as well as from TUG directly) then you will automatically install Gregorio 4.1 and should have or be able to update to v4.1.5 through tlmgr.
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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