After looking into this I determined the problem. ``, as it exists on the 4.1 branch, does not build the docs by default because we were, at the time, assuming that it was being used with a distribution tarball, not a git clone. When being used with a git clone, then you need to issue the `make doc` command yourself before running `` (you need to be in the doc folder when you issue this command).

This behavior changed on the 4.2 branch so that now `` will build the docs if they are not present. I've gotten used to this new behavior, which is why I mistakenly said that it should build the docs for you.

If you still want to install 4.1.5 (which doesn't have a distribution tarball) then after running `` enter the doc folder, build the docs, return to the root folder, and then run ``.

If you're willing to wait for 4.2 (the releasing of which is on my to-do list for this weekend), then you should be able to simply use `` and ``.
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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