On 2017-04-21 2:58 PM, Emil Salim wrote:
The Gregorio specific engines are now obsolte. All you need to do is copy the LuaLaTeX engine from |Inactive/luaTeX| folder into |~/Library/TeXShop/Engines|. You also need to modify this engine by opening it with text editor (such as Textedit) and adding "--shell-escape" right after "lualatex". This enables GregorioTeX to automatically compile your gabc scores as needed when LuaLaTeX compiles your document.

That text is from the old and outdated website. If this is where you're getting stuff from it's no wonder you're having problems with obsolete commands and the like. There's a big notice at the top of those pages that should redirect you to the new website.

The new version of the website is here:

The page specifically dealing with TeXShop configuration is here:
Br. Samuel, OSB
St. Anselm’s Abbey
Washington, DC
(R. Padraic Springuel)


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