Hi Bertrand,

2018-03-12, 00:03 (+0100) scripsit Bertrand Garrigues:

> On Fri, Mar 09 2018 at 09:02:25 PM, Bernhard Fisseni
> <bernhard.fiss...@mail.de> wrote:
> > Colin Watson wrote on 09/03/18 16:53:  
> >>>  git reset --hard && git clean -f && make distclean
> >>> $ ./bootstrap && ./configure --with-gs=/usr/bin/gs --prefix=$HOME
> >>> \ && make -j9 install
> >>>
> >>> Could building be done even less dirty?  
> > [...]> In the meantime, "git checkout --
> > doc/automake_migration_tests.txt"
> >> after "make distclean" should work around it.  
> >
> > I see, it does indeed, thank you very much!  
> I've just removed automake_migration_tests.txt, so this problem is
> fixed now.
> A few remarks on the build though:
> - Not sure if you have done it but you should always start by 'make
>   uninstall'.

No, but this is a good point.

> - After a 'make distclean' you don't need to invoke 'bootstrap' again.
>   'make distclean' will remove files created by 'configure' so you
> just need to call 'configure' again.  You need to call 'bootstrap'
> only if something was changed in 'bootstrap.conf' or in the 'gnulib'
>   integration.  Otherwise if the build system was modified (for
> example 'configure.ac', an .m4 file or an .am file) then 'make' will
>   automatically detect it and 'autoreconf' will be called (so that
> files like Makefile.in generated by 'bootstrap' will be re-generated).
>   Usually when updating from git 'make clean' and 'make' is enough.

I see.   Given the speed of the groff build (and my laziness), it may be
easier to rerun bootstrap than to check the git log, but I will keep it
in mind.

> - If you really want to totally clean your environment then you should
>   call 'git -xfd' before calling 'bootstrap'.  With the commands you
>   passed -- 'git reset --hard && git clean -f && make distclean' --
> your environment staill has generated files like 'Makefile.in' and
>   'configure' (you can check that with 'git status --ignored').
> - I recommend you to use out-of-source build, that is:
>     mkdir build
>     cd build
>     ../configure
>     make -j <n>

Both very useful, thank you!  (Surprising with how little git one can
get by normally.)

Thank you very much again,
Best regards,


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