On Monday, 16 April 2018 00:14:05 BST Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Thanks, Ingo, for that very informative reply.
> I did just start reading the mdoc man page after sending that mail.
> Thanks for the additional resources.  I shall check them out as I
> continue on with this aspect of the project.
> - Nate

i have been looking at merging the groff.texi file and various groff man pages 
into one compendium pdf. The program which does the merging is still rather 
beta, and probably would have problems with other texinfo files, but you can 
view an example of the current state at:-


Chapter 6 (Preprocessors) is largely man pages. The pdf is built using groff.

Is this the sort of thing you were envisaging.

I am currently on holiday so minimal email.



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