Hello everyone, I want to create a gap between the first and last strand of a beta barrel so that I can put a new strand in between. So, I have generated an input file using charmm-gui and using its gromacs production file (production.mdp) to run the simulation. I want to use a harmonic wall model to disrupt the bonding between the first and last strand of the beta barrel but not getting how to do it . I have asked it before as well but I did not get any suggestion. Please kindly help me with this query if anybody has any idea regarding this.
Thank you, -- Shashank Ranjan Srivastava Molecular Biophysics Laboratory Department of Biological Sciences, IISER-Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh -- Gromacs Users mailing list * Please search the archive at http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists/GMX-Users_List before posting! * Can't post? Read http://www.gromacs.org/Support/Mailing_Lists * For (un)subscribe requests visit https://maillist.sys.kth.se/mailman/listinfo/gromacs.org_gmx-users or send a mail to gmx-users-requ...@gromacs.org.