On 01/12/2011 15:14, internet-dra...@ietf.org wrote:
>    This document proposes a simple protocol, BMP, which can be used to
>    monitor BGP sessions.  BMP is intended to provide a more convenient
>    interface for obtaining route views for research purpose than the
>    screen-scraping approach in common use today.  The design goals are
>    to keep BMP simple, useful, easily implemented, and minimally
>    service-affecting.  BMP is not suitable for use as a routing
>    protocol.


Would it be possible to modify the peer flags?  In the context of route
servers, we operators have separate requirements to be able to view:
adj-rib-in, per-peer loc-rib and adj-rib-out, with the possibility of a
primary loc-rib (depending on implementation).  This would break your
suggested peer flags mechanism - or at least it would create a non-atomic
signalling mechanism which would take up 50% of your proposed flag space to
implement.  Why not create a separate "RIB Type" flag and define a set of
values associated with it?

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