On 17/05/2012 17:11, Ronald Bonica wrote:
> Thanks for introducing this document! 
> I would like to bring the authors' attention to the following documents
> that are working in OPSEC:
> - draft-behringer-lla-only
> - draft-baker-opsec-passive-ip-address
> To some extent, draft-grow and draft-behringer are debating with one
> another. While draft-baker is not directly involved in the debate, it is
> not uninvolved, either. It is a shame that the three documents are being
> considered in different WGs.

yes, certainly draft-behringer and draft-grow are discussing a
substantially similar issue - namely using non-routable interface addresses
in the core.  tbh, it's not really possible to manage a network without
traceroute and remote interface ping.

Wes George posted a more complete response here:


I agree fully with his analysis on all points.

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