Hi Nick,

Looking at Quagga, Bird, GoBGP (I took a few minutes to read
their code and I am not overly familiar with any of them), they all
seems to perform the 4096 bytes check and send NOTIFICATION, so I would
only expect badly home brewed solution to suffer from the issue (not to
say we should not care).

That said, I would also assume the code path
for this scenario has never been run in production (and perhaps ever) in
the life of any BGP implementation so while it may look good, it may not
do what is expected. I believe some "real" world testing is in order


On 2017-03-09 12:20, Nick Hilliard wrote: 

> Sue: I'd be
cautious with your approach. First, it's not guaranteed
> that some
badly coded bgp stack wouldn't crash with a 4097 byte OPEN
> message,
and secondly, you're not guaranteed that just because the stack
supports 4097 bytes on open due to e.g. unintentional coding reasons,
that it actually supports 4097 bytes by design and that it actually
works properly.
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