
On 7/11/17, 5:20 PM, "GROW on behalf of Jeffrey Haas" < on 
behalf of> wrote:

    In such cases - use the per peer rib-out.  I do believe it has good use
    cases.  However, discussions with our customers have suggested that in most
    cases it's excessively chatty and threatens to swamp the rib-in portion of
    the control channel they're actually interested in.  For them, a general
    indication of rib-out content is sufficient, even when there's some minor
    variations with specifications they may be comfortable with.

[TE] IMO, limitations around transmission of X number of peers with *-rib-* 
monitoring should be BMP
 sender implementation specific.  I do not believe anyone in their right mind 
would configure a platform/sender
for *-rib-* on all peers, but you never know. This is why limits should exist, 
a line in the sand,
for the platform.   Limits that apply to one platform are not necessarily 
required to be applied to another.
We want to enable the ability to monitor the five collection points of BGP 
(Adj-RIB-In/pre, Adj-RIB-In/post,
Adj-RIB-Out/pre, Adj-RIB-Out/post, and Loc-RIB) but this doesn't mean the 
platform can't restrict combinations.

    I'm also open to alternative encodings that permit better clustering of the
    messages to avoid redundant noise.

[TE] YES, PEER UP INFO "peer/update group" TLV with engineered deployment will 
do.  I can't imagine any sizable network
that has been configured without design/engineering.  I do not believe or 
suggest that is different with
BGP monitoring.  BGP is big data, like IPFIX in that sense, and therefore 
should get some engineering love, 
not willy-nilly turn it on everywhere and hope for the best. 


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