hi job

thanks for reading and commenting!

> * 32-bit ASNs don't fit in 16-bit fields. Consider using a set of
>   Extended Communities?

next you're gonna want ipv6; sheesh!  :)

i think the draft tried to finesse and not get into wire format.  but it
probably should.

extended or wide?  

> * The Local Administrator values {64994,64995,64996} might already
>   be in use and carry local significance.

point taken.  with the alternate 10/10 hack, that would be ok.  with the
per-path model, a definite problem.

> * I wouldn't avoid setting up an IANA registry merely because there are
>   'very few categories'

point.  can we have a "can not be added to" registry to inhibit the
complicators a la 4384? </snark>

> * Section 5's 'well-known prefix' perhaps should be set to TBD, rather
>   than using widely used RFC 1918 space.

i am not so sure.  i would not want to burn precious address space for
this.  and we want something not routable, yes?  but, yes, being a bit
more formal about the choice would be good.  discuss ...

the alternate hack would also need an ipv6 well-known prefix for the
collector peers which are v6 only in 2050 </snark>.

again, thanks for review.  much appreciated.

and good luck weathering the storm.


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