Assuming you are using protobuf-maven-plugin 
<>, it doesn't matter that 
the generated files are under /generated-sources. The generated classes 
should be added automatically to your build path by the plugin. Just import 
them with the proper package names and your source should compile.
If it still doesn't work, you may want to share your whole project source 
so that other people can diagnose for you.

On Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at 3:04:11 AM UTC-7, Passenger wrote:
> Using Java 
> I created a protobuffer . I generated all the classes . The classes were 
> generated in project/target directory .Now my java project folder looks 
> like this
> 1) src
> 2) target
> 3) pom.xml
> Proto file -
> syntax="proto3";
> option java_multiple_files = true;
> option java_package="com.grpc.project1";
> package com.grpc.project1;
> message Person{
>     string first_name=1;
>     string last_name=2;
> }
> message Greeting{
>     string message=1;
> }
> service HelloWorldService{
>     rpc sayHello(Person) returns (Greeting);
> }
> Now src also has sub folder main/java
> and target also has two sub folder -
> 1) /generated-sources/protobuf/grpc-java 
> 2)/generated-sources/protobuf/java
> No i want to implement my HelloWorldService class where should I define 
> the class ??
> Inside src/main/java
> or inside 
> 1) /generated-sources/protobuf/grpc-java 
> 2)/generated-sources/protobuf/java
> If I create class inside src/main/java i am unable to extend 
> HelloWorldServiceGrpc.HelloWorldServiceImpl niether i am able to import 
> target folderbut it is present inside  
> /generated-sources/protobuf/grpc-java/com/grpc/project1 

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