What is the round-trip time? How much time does DNS resolution take?

On Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 12:02:21 AM UTC-7 邹会江 wrote:

> ### JAVA Code
> ```
>             channel = 
> ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(param.getTarget()).build();
>             long channelStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
>             asyncStub = ASRRouteGrpc.newStub(channel);
>             asrResponseStreamObserver = new 
> ASRResponseStreamObserver(speechTranscriberListener);
>             requestObserver = asyncStub.route(asrResponseStreamObserver);
>             RouteRequest requestConf = newRequestHead(param);
>             traceId = requestConf.getAsrConfig().getTraceId();
>             ConnectivityState currentChannelState = channel.getState(true);
>             while (currentChannelState != ConnectivityState.READY) {
>                 CountDownLatch latchUntilChannelReady = new 
> CountDownLatch(1);
>                 channel.notifyWhenStateChanged(currentChannelState, 
> latchUntilChannelReady::countDown);
>                 latchUntilChannelReady.await();
>                 currentChannelState = channel.getState(true);
>                 if (currentChannelState == ConnectivityState.CONNECTING) {
>                     long channelConnecting = System.currentTimeMillis();
>                     LOGGER.info("The transition from idle state to 
> connecting takes: {} ms", channelConnecting - channelStart);
>                 }
>             }
>             long channelReady = System.currentTimeMillis();
>             if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
>                 LOGGER.info("Trace id: {}, channel start time: {}, channel 
> ready time: {}, creating channel takes: {} ms", traceId, channelStart, 
> channelReady,
>                         channelReady - channelStart);
>             }
> ```
> ### LOGGER
> ```
> 2023-08-22 14:12:34,816 INFO  client.ASRClient - The transition from idle 
> state to connecting takes: 1009 ms
> 2023-08-22 14:12:34,841 INFO  client.ASRClient - Trace id: 
> 6afd2c67-e8c5-4cea-bd5c-4b82591a52aa, channel start time: 1692684753807, 
> channel ready time: 1692684754841, creating channel takes: 1034 ms
> ```
> ### Description
> #### code logic
> 1. first create channel
> 2. mark a time stamp(channelStart) after the channel is created
> 3. get the state of channel ,the state is IDEL
> 4. when the state of channel changes from IDEL to CONNECTING,mark a time 
> stamp(channelConnecting)
> 5. when the state of channel changes from CONNECTING to READY, mark a time 
> stamp(channelReady)
> #### Log info 
> 1. It takes 1009ms for channel from IDLE state to CONNECTING state.
> 2. It takes 25ms for channel from CONNECTIONG state to READY state.
> ### What's i supposed
> 1. Does it take too long for a channel to change from IDLE to CONNECTING?
> 2. I want to reduce the time it takes for a channel to go from IDLE to 

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