I can't really help you there, I'm afraid. I'm hardly a gsoap expert.
I'd be digging into source code to try to provide you an answer and
I'm afraid I don't have time. I was just trying to give you enough
info to shortcut your own investigation ;-)


On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 6:55 PM, Adam Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I built a standalone gsoap server using this code:
>> service.max_keep_alive = 1024;
>> service.accept_timeout = 10;
>> m = service.bind(host, cmgr_soap_config.listen_port, backlog);
> Ah ok, that makes more sense. So what happens if I don't want to bind
> to a single port like this? As in, I've already taken care of the
> network side of things, I have the XML in a std::istream (or a char*)
> and I want to pass that to gSOAP?
>> service->serve();
> This is what I'm using now, but it only seems to work when HTTP headers
> are present at the beginning of the std::istream data. (Which I set
> with "service->is = inStream;")
> Thanks,
> Adam.

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