I've been really getting in to D3 and Gtd and it really works for me.
The way I've been using it is to put a prefix on the project title.

Where the numeric represents the six level model of review my work.
0 = Runway
5 = Life

This works out well with my reviews, since the stuff that needs
immediate attention is at the top of the list and the life projects
are at the bottom
Anyway.... I've been running into issues at my 30000-40000 level
projects.  These goals tend to be pretty big and they really lend
themselves to be busted up into sub-projects.

I've played around with listing projects within projects, but with
mixed results.  I run into a situation where the "big" projects needs
to get a sub-project done (which I can list) before I can do this
action.  The problem is that the software apparently ignores the
project as the next step and goes to the next action which can't be
done until the project is done.

Hmm.... I wonder if I can define a tiddler as a project and an action?
Hopefully this doesn't send me to some type of recursion hell


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